HomeNew TestamentRomans

The Chiasm of Romans 11:31-32

Romans 11:31-32 is a chiasm where vocabulary in the first section is used in reverse order in the second. The center, which is being emphasized, is that because of the mercy show to Gentiles, the Jews also may be shown mercy (v 31b-c). https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.31-32a-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Romans 11:30

Romans 11:30 is written as a chiasm where the Greek verb and noun for disobedience are found in the first and last phrase. The center, which is being emphasized, is that the Gentiles have now been shown mercy, https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.30a-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Romans 11:23-24

Romans 11:23-24 is a chiasm where vocabulary of the first section is repeated in reverse order in the second. The center, which is being emphasized, is that "you [Gentiles] were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree" (vs 24a-b). https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.23-24a-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Romans 11:22

Romans 11:22 is written as a chiasm with the center being the climax, that those who fall from God will experience his severity. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.22a-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Romans 11:11-14

Romans 11:11-14 is a chiasm where vocabulary of the first section is repeated in reverse order in the second, The climax is the center, "Now if their [the Jews'] transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!" https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.11-14a-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Romans 11:7

Romans 11:7 is written as a chiasm where the middle, which is being emphasized indicates that all Israel did not obtain the salvation they sought but that the elect within Israel did obtain it. The rest were hardened. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.7a-Chiasm.pdf

What is Meant by the Hardening of Israel in Romans 11?

Romans 11:7 explains Romans 11:25 by showing that the partial hardening that has come upon Israel (v 25) means that elect within Israel obtained salvation but the rest were hardened (v 7). When the evangelization of the Gentiles has been completed (v 25), then all Israel will be saved at the second coming of Christ.

The Chiasm of Romans 11:6

Romans 11:6 is written as a chiasm with the word "grace" being used in both the first and last phrases. The center, which is being emphasized, is that God's choice is not based on works. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-11.6a-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Romans 10:3

Romans 10:3 is a chiasm where "God's righteousness" is mentioned in both the first and last phrases. The center, which is being emphasized, is that the Jews sought to establish their own righteousness. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Rom-10.3a-Chiasm.pdf