E. Michael Rusten, Th.M., Ph.D.
Scholar in Residence at Bethlehem College & Seminary
Mike Rusten grew up in Plymouth, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. God drew him to himself at a Billy Graham crusade when Mike was a junior high boy, and life was never to be the same. He graduated from Princeton University where he was president of the Princeton Evangelical Fellowship.
Mike and his wife Sharon have two children. Their daughter Marta MacDougall is a clinical psychologist at the V.A. Hospital in Philadelphia. Their son Mark is an ear, nose, and throat physician in Paducah, Kentucky. Marta, Mark, and their spouses have presented Mike and Sharon with four delightful grandchildren.
See the Latest Charts and Articles
Are We Living in the Church Age or in the Times of the Gentiles?
According to Deuteronomy the church (Greek: ekklēsia) began as the assembly at Mount Sinai (Deut 9:10). Then because the Jews rejected Christ as their Messiah, the kingdom of God was taken from them and given
The Prophecy and Fulfillment of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
The Old Testament Prophecy of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem is found in Zechariah 9:9. The fulfillment, his welcome by "the whole crowd of disciples," is found in Luke 19:29-40. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Luke-19.29-40a-Triumphal-Entry.pdf
From Darkness to Light: The Story of the Bible from Beginning to End
FromThere is a repeated order of events at creation, the crucifixion, Christ's return, and the consummation: there is a fall of Satan, darkness, a voice from heaven, heaven/veil splitting, an earthquake, and light. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Gen-1.2c-Darkness-to-Light.pdf

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Testimonials From Mike’s Students

Dr. Rusten, affectionately called “Mike” in class, has had a profound impact on my understanding of theology. His Plot of the Bible course has reshaped my understanding of the the Bible and how God relates to his people.More than this, Mike’s been a mentor, counselor, godly example, and faithful friend. Mike’s influence on my life has extended beyond the classroom and into my life. I am a better father, husband, and Christian because of Mike’s commitment to discipleship.
Mike has deeply influenced my Bible study methods. He taught me how to think deeply over texts and see how the Bible fits together in a cohesive and consistent way. I, along with countless others, are grateful for the mentoring and teaching Mike provided me as a student of his.