HomeOld Testament

Genesis 1:2 as the Key to Understanding the Structure of Genesis 1

Genesis 1:2 is the key to understanding the structure of Genesis 1. Genesis 1:2 states that the earth was "formless." Day one then indicates the creation of day and night (Gen 1:3-5); day two describes the forming of the heavens by their emerging from the waters (Gen 1:6-8); and day three describes the forming of

The Chiasm of Psalm 89:5-7

Psalm 89:5-7 is written as a chiasm with the phrase "of the holy ones" repeated in the first and last lines. The center is what is being emphasized, "For who in the skies can be compared to the LORD? Who among the heavenly beings is like the LORD?" https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Ps-89.5-7a-Chiasm.pdf

Are There Human Members of the Divine Council?

There is no indication in the Old Testament that there are any humans on the divine council. Only heavenly beings are included (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Psalm 82:1-6; 89:5-7). https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Ps-82e-Divine-Council-Membership.pdf

Who are “the Sons of the Most High” in Psalm 82:6?

"The sons of the Most High" in Psalm 82:6 are the sons of God, heavenly beings called gods in both Psalm 82:1 and 6. They are members of the divine council (Ps 82:1). However, in their ruling of the nations they "judged unjustly and showed partiality to the wicked" (Ps 82:2) and as a result

The Chiasm of Psalm 82:1

Psalm 82:1 is a chiasm where the verbs of the first and last lines refer to the activity of God while the two center phrases locate him "in the divine (Hebrew: el) council" and "in the midst of the gods (Hebrew: elohim). https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Ps-82.1b-Chiasm.pdf

The Chiasm of Psalm 49

Psalm 49 is a written as a chiasm where vocabulary of the first section (verses1-13) is repeated in the final section (verses15-20). The center, which is the climax, is that the upright will rule over those appointed for Sheol (verse 14). https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Ps-49a-Chiasm.pdf

Matthew 24:15 Quotes Daniel 12:10-11

Daniel 12:10 indicates that "those who have insight will understand." Then the following verse mentions the timing of the abomination of desolation (Dan 12:11). These two statements are mentioned together in Matthew 24:15. https://www.howthebiblefitstogether.org/files/Matt-24.15c-Daniel-12.10-11.pdf